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Governor Newsom Launches Campaign Against the Recall Effort


Governor Newsom of California has now officially launched a campaign to fight off the bipartisan recall effort that is taking place across various parts of California. This comes just days after the Recall Gavin 2020 campaign released an update to its supporters declaring that they have collected more than two million signatures, more than enough to guarantee that a recall election takes place to consider the removal of Governor Newsom. 

Gavin Newsom is not the only Democratic governor facing major challenges right now. On the other side of the country, Governor Cuomo of New York is also facing major scandals and allegations against him for sexual harassment. Both of these prominent politicians are on thin ice right now and there is certainly no guarantee that either of them will remain in power at the conclusion of 2021. 

Governor Newsom posted a tweet stating that he “wouldn’t be distracted by this partisan, Republican recall.”, he continued his tweet and pledged to fight the recall effort while still ensuring that he vaccinates as many Californians as possible in an effort to combat the pandemic. The Stop The Republican Recall campaign also has a website that was recently published. 

While he claims that the recall effort is a bipartisan effort that is only led by Republicans, there’s really no evidence to suggest that this is actually true as a large percentage of the signatures that have been collected have actually been from Democrats and Independents. 

This could be a major concern for Governor Newsom in the months ahead if there’s genuinely enough support from both parties to consider removing him from office. Keep in mind that all of the collected signatures still need to be verified. According to the PredictIt betting markets on March 15th,  there is an 89% chance that enough signatures will be verified to trigger an official recall election in 2021. The recall campaign only needed around 1.5 million signatures, and now they have managed to collect nearly 2.1 million before the deadline. 

There is now a very real possibility that the most populous state in the nation could see their governor removed from office. This would be a repeat of when Governor Gray Davis was removed from office in 2003 for his job performance. 

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were just a few of the well-known Democratic party members that denounced the recall effort in recent days. Bernie Sanders has always been exceptionally popular in California and he even defeated President Biden in the golden state during the 2020 Democratic Primary. 

Bernie Sanders’ supporters could be the deciding factor to determine whether or not Governor Newsom is recalled from office. There are a lot of angry business owners and citizens in California right now, and that has clearly been expressed with Newsom’s falling approval ratings across the state. The real question is, will loyal democrats show up to the ballot box and defend their governor in the upcoming recall election?

It’s pretty clear that Republicans have a lot of momentum on their side right now, but they are still trying to recall a democratic governor in one of the bluest states in the nation. Only time will tell if Governor Newsom’s campaign is successful to fight off this recall effort. 

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