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Is It Safe To Go Out On Memorial Day Weekend?


As we approach Memorial Day weekend in the United States, many people are debating with themselves about how safe it actually is to go out, go camping, go swimming, go to ball games, go to concerts, go barbecuing, etc. 

Yes, the Covid vaccine continues to roll out, and people continue to get vaccinated. 

But is it too soon to hit the parks and campgrounds for a fun-filled extended weekend with friends, family, lots of hugs, and some close-quarters contact?

This is a good question. And it’s an important question to ask. 

So in this post, we’re going to take a look at the facts. 

How Many People Are Vaccinated?

This is probably the first number you should be looking at. 

According to CNN, as of May 27th at 4:45 AM, more than 50% of adults are fully vaccinated. 

This gives us a good clue as to what we can expect out and about. 

But it isn’t necessarily this straightforward when it comes to getting together with family members. 

For example, some family members may be vaccinated, while others aren’t. 

What’s a good rule of thumb for these types of situations?

If Everyone Is Vaccinated, You’re Pretty Much In The Clear

According to Dr. Leana Wen, a CNN Medical Analyst and visiting professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute of Public Health, “If you’re fully vaccinated, and everyone else you want to see is also vaccinated, you can certainly see one another in all settings, including indoors, without masks, and with lots of hugs.”

But this changes a bit if not everyone is vaccinated. 

What If You’re Vaccinated, But Other People Aren’t?

Here’s the truth. 

Vaccination will protect you pretty well from getting Covid. 

Even if you actually run into someone infected with Covid after getting your vaccine, the odds of you becoming infected are actually still really low. 

This isn’t necessarily as true if you’re immunocompromised. But barring that, vaccinated people are pretty safe. 

The main concern is that, at larger gatherings, unvaccinated people could in theory pass the virus around to each other, thereby spreading infection. 

But if you’ve gotten your full dose of the vaccine, you personally don’t have a lot to worry about. 

What Should You Do?

If you know that many of your friends and family members haven’t been vaccinated, you may want to consider suggesting that those who haven’t gotten the vaccine continue to wear masks and social distance. 

You can also opt for outdoor get-togethers as opposed to indoor ones, because that’ll give you better room for social distancing and get everyone out of such cramped quarters. 

The best thing that everyone can do to stop the spread of Covid is to get vaccinated. 

And seeing as how more than 50% of adults have already been vaccinated, we’re looking at a situation that’s much safer than it was a year ago. 

I mean, there’s really no comparison. 

But for people who haven’t yet been vaccinated, the danger is still very real. 

Numbers are going down, but Covid is still around. And if you haven’t gotten your shot, you’re still at a much higher risk of contracting the virus. 


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