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Is Oversleeping Bad For You?


We all know that sleeping is a good thing. 

As humans, we need a quality night’s rest to rejuvenate our cells, heal our body, and refresh our mind. 

But what happens when you sleep too much?

Is there any such thing as a downside to oversleeping?

Well, interestingly enough, there is. 

Oversleeping can actually put your health at risk in a number of different ways. 

And in this post, you’re going to learn exactly what those risks are. 

Let’s jump in and break it down. 

Oversleeping: Primary Risk Factors

Oversleeping has been linked to a host of medical problems. 

Some of these include diabetes, heart disease, and just an overall increased risk of death. 

Other problems associated with oversleeping include obesity, headaches, and back pain. 

Oversleeping is also associated with both depression and low socioeconomic status, though it’s also important to point out that oversleeping may not necessarily be the cause of these things… but rather, may sometimes be caused by them. 

So, figuring out the exact cause or result isn’t always so clean cut. 

How Much Sleeping Qualifies As Oversleeping?

Our sleeping needs change based on age, health, and context. But as a general rule, sleeping for more than 7 to 9 hours per night qualifies as oversleeping. 

What If You’re Trying To Fix Your Sleep Debt?

What if you were sleep deprived, and trying to catch up on sleep?

Well, unfortunately, if you sleep for longer than 9ish hours, this still counts as oversleeping. 

So you may be getting stuck in two different risk groups: the group who is sleep deprived, and the group who oversleeps. 

How To Overcome An Oversleeping Problem

The best way to solve an oversleeping problem is to get ahead of it by making sure that you get an adequate amount of sleep every night. See, if you start to neglect your sleeping patterns, and become sleep deprived, you may actually end up needing to sleep longer to ‘catch up.’ 

But this puts you at risk for oversleeping. So a delicate balance is at play here, and it’s in your best interest to manage your sleeping patterns to make sure that you remain in the healthy ‘center.’ 

It’s also true, however, that oversleeping for one or two nights is a lot different from oversleeping on a regular basis. 

On a regular basis, oversleeping presents you with greater health risks than if you were to only oversleep some of the time. 

Visit Your Doctor If You’re Prone To Oversleeping

If you tend to oversleep a lot, and don’t really understand why, it may be worth a visit to your general practitioner to determine the cause. 

Sometimes, alcohol consumption can cause oversleeping, as can certain medications. 

Your doctor may choose to dial back some of your prescriptions if he/she believes that they may be contributing to the problem. 

In Conclusion

Establishing a healthy, functional sleep schedule is essential to good health. 

Make sure that you get enough sleep, while also avoiding oversleeping, to maximize the benefits of good health and keep from dipping into risky territory.

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