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Sleeping With Your Partner – How To Get ‘More Sleep’ Together


Getting a quality night’s rest is tough enough on your own. 

But a lot of people don’t realize that sleeping with your partner can actually really sabotage your quality of sleep in a variety of different ways—especially if you don’t have complimentary sleep habits, and if the two of you don’t work together to sort out the habits that don’t quite ‘jive’ together. 

On one hand, sleeping with your partner is a fun and healthy thing to do (for the most part). 

It promotes intimacy, togetherness, bonding, and many other pleasant and positive things. 

Plus, at this point, it’s virtually tradition for couples who love each other to share a bed together. 

With that being said, this can definitely cause you to run into some struggles where sleep quality is concerned. 

So in this post, we’re going to identify some common co-sleeping struggles, and propose some solutions that might help to solve the issues. 

Let’s dive into it. 

1. Solve Your Snoring Woes 

Snoring can most definitely play havoc with your quality of sleep.

This is true not only if you snore, but also if your partner snores.

In fact, people who regularly sleep with a snoring partner report more sleep loss and sleep deprivation. 

To solve this, it’s really important to have an honest conversation about the snoring issue, and to seek out remedies that might help to make it better. 

Sleep therapy, anti-snoring devices, lifestyle changes, or maybe even CPAP could all play a role in helping to solve this problem. 

2. Watch The Tossing And Turning

When you spend a lot of time sleeping in the same bed together, you may come to realize that one or both of you ends up tossing and/or turning a lot. 

And this, in turn, can actually keep one or both of you awake for longer than what would be ideal. 

It could also threaten to wake you up in the middle of the night and jar one or both of you out of REM sleep too many times. 

This can be a tough problem to solve. But one quick and easy solution could be to explore purchasing a larger bed.

There’s nothing wrong with creating a little bit of ‘distance’ in your co-sleeping setup.

And sometimes, this can do a lot to help you close the gap where your sleep deprivation risk is concerned.

3. Practice Basic Hygiene

Sometimes, when you sleep, you tend to sweat—and sweat can lead to a bit of body odor. 

Before you know it, this whole situation can turn into a stinky mess. 

Therefore, it’s always a good idea to make sure that you clean your body and practice some basic overall positive hygiene habits before climbing into bed with your partner. 

On the same token, it’s also only fair that your partner also does the same for you. 

It’s going to promote a better night’s sleep when the two of you smell good, feel good, and feel like the bed is a nice, clean, welcoming environment. 

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