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What Should You Do If You Always Feel Sleepy?


This is a more common problem than a lot of people realize. 

In our modern, sleep-deprived world, it isn’t always so easy to figure out how to fix your sleep schedule so that you actually feel good about your day’s performance, as opposed to just ‘sludging through’ feeling tired, fatigued, and out of energy. 

But here’s the catch. 

Sometimes, always feeling sleepy could be a sign that things aren’t all ‘right’ in your life. 

And in this post, you’re going to learn about 5 different things to consider if you’ve been feeling a little bit too much of that ‘chronic fatigue.’ 

Let’s dive into it. 

1. Try To Get Enough Sleep

Obviously, if you’re feeling tired, your sleep routine is probably the first thing that you’ll want to look at. 

If you haven’t been getting enough sleep, and/or if you’ve been struggling with your sleep routine overall, then it’s highly possible that your feelings of ‘sleepiness’ could be directly related. 

Try to set up your routine to get as much rest as you need (which usually consists of 8 hours). 

2. Lay Off The Caffeine

You may find this hard to believe—but did you know that caffeine, while helpful for staving off feelings of tiredness in the short term, can actually contribute more to fatigue when used on a long-term basis?

It’s true. And even though it’s not a ‘fun’ fact to learn—the truth of the matter is that if you’re consuming more than 1 caffeinated beverage per day, you may be flirting with ‘caffeine dependence,’ which, by itself may be causing you a significant amount of fatigue. 

Try detoxing from the caffeine, and experiment with going without it for a few weeks, to see if your energy levels go back to normal. 

3. Check Your Diet

Your diet can play a pretty major role in your energy levels—for better or for worse. 

For example—if you tend to eat healthy foods that’ll actually nourish your body in the long term—you’re far more likely to feel more ‘energized’ than you would if you were to consume mostly processed junk food. 

Vitamins and minerals are important to look at here at well. If you end up with some kind of deficiency, that could very well lead to fatigue and lower energy levels over time. 

4. Take A Serious Look At Your Stress Levels

If you tend to deal with a lot of stress in your life, that’s probably contributing to feelings of tiredness and fatigue as well. 

Stress doubtlessly takes a toll on us. And it’s an important problem to address. 

Consider talking to someone about it, making some lifestyle changes to eliminate it, or even going to a therapist to seek professional treatment. 

It really matters. 

The human body isn’t supposed to be in a state of ‘stress’ for prolonged periods of time. 

5. Visit Your Doctor

Unfortunately, feelings of increased fatigue and tiredness can sometimes be an indicator of another underlying health condition. 

If your efforts to fix the problem on your own have failed, you should definitely consider talking to a doctor to see if you may be at risk for some other type of illness or condition. 

You always want to double-check these things, so as to not allow the problem to go unchecked.

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